Since studying Visual Arts at Curtin University WA, my visual arts practice has focused on the creation, regular exhibitions and commissions of artworks as well as a range of educational and community engagement collaborations with Government, Arts, Industry, Community and Educational institutions to design and deliver community biodiversity events and festivals.

Since 2009 I have worked alongside plant and animal biologists at the University of WA and with other research organisations to create an opus of artworks on marine biodiversity and to develop and deliver community outreach educational events that take scientists and their work out to the community. I currently hold the position of Honorary Research Associate at the University of Western Australia in the School of the Biological Sciences and Adjunct Artist with the Australian Institute of Marine Science.

I have designed and presented art and biodiversity workshops, field events and whole community biodiversity festivals with community groups and schools throughout WA to discover and document the natural treasures of our stunningly beautiful biodiverse environments.



I collaborate with research institutions, government agencies, education and community organisations to develop, implement and deliver a range of biodiversity education and conservation projects with schools and the wider community. Recent projects are listed below.

2024 Invited by Nearer to Nature DBCA to present a wetland bird painting workshop holiday activity

2023 Designed and delivered the Wetlands Project with the Leeming community and Primary School - Have a look

2023 Invited by Soil Science Australia WA Branch to present at the World Soil Day Symposium on community ed and engagement

2023 Commissioned to design and create a collaborative artwork with two primary schools for the Success Library with the City of Cockburn

2023 Invited by City of Cockburn to deliver Healthy Soil and Soil Biota activities for Works Environment Day - June

2023 Partnered with Pew Trust to present community coastal discovery events during January in Hopetown and Bremer Bay.

2023 Reappointed Honorary Research Associate and continue working with the School of the Biological Sciences at UWA to design and deliver educational outreach events and supply images for academic and other publications.

2023 Partnered with Water Corporation to present an educational family event showcasing the near shore marine biota of Safety Bay.

2022 Commissioned by the Department Primary Industry Regional Developement to develope and present soil education activities for the Perth Royal Show.

2022 Designed and delivered the Living Reef Festival in partnership with The Cannery Arts Centre in Esperance. This celebration of the Great Southern Reef brought the Esperance community together through a series of field and studio events and workshops to create a survey of the amazing biodiversity of living things of the offshore reef. This project was supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Culture.

2022 Designed and delivered the Knowing Nullaki Festival in partnership with Denmark Green Skills Inc. A festival of field, on country and studio workshops bringing the people of Denmark together to observe and document the living things of the Nullaki Wilson Inlet and surrounding catchment areas. This project was supported by the Department of Local Government, Sport and Culture.

2022 Reappointed Adjunct Artist with the Australian Institute Marine Science

2021 Worked with City of Cockburn Rehabilitate Roe 8 Project to design and deliver a community biodiversity and nature journaling field event.

2021 Artist in Residence Biodiversity Project with Lombardina Djindjarin Remote Community School Western Kimberley WA

2021 Collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science - Western Kimberley Indigenous Ranger project one Arm Point Remote Community School

2021 Commissioned by the Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions to design and deliver the Dirk Hartog Island Return 1616 Community Biodiversity Festival. A three week long festivla with over 13 workshops and field events with Denham Shire, Denham School and Denham Community Groups culminating in a stunning exhibition of paintings, drawings and photographs of the biota of Shark Bay and Dirk Hartog Island crated by the people of Denham.

2020 School of the Biological Sciences. The University of Western Australia – Reappointed to position of Honorary Research Associate

2020    February - Community and school engagements cancelled or postponed till further notice due to Covid

2020    Schmidt Ocean Institute Ocean Canyon research tour as Expedition Artist onboard the RV Falkor.

2020 Appointed Adjunct Lecturer Oceans Institute UWA

2019    City of Melville Community Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre delivery of community engagement workshop and field event.

2019    Royal Agricultural Society of WA – Designed and delivered Educational Soil Activity for children and families at the Perth Royal Show

2019    Conservation Council WA - Climate Change Community Forums - coordinating speakers from leading WA research institutions and private practice to deliver seven forum events in community venues from Mandurah to Two Rocks to discuss climate change impacts.

2018    Develop the soil tunnel and other learning resources and activities for the Royal Agricultural Society of WA for Perth Royal Show

2018    Appointed Adjunct Artist to the Australian Institute of Marine Science

2017    School of the Biological Sciences UWA – Appointed Honorary Research Associate

2017    City of Swan Community Connect Festival Display and Activity

2017    Fremantle Ports Community Activity Maritime Day

2017    Scitech Children’s Biodiversity Workshops

2017    City of Cockburn Community Biodiversity Workshops

2017    City of Mandurah Stretch Festival Environment Education and Activity Area

2017    Peel Harvey Catchment Council Lake Mealup Biodiversity Project

2017    Statewide Services Centre Department of Education Sustainable Schools Initiative WA

2017    City of Joondalup Community Connect Festival Display and Educational Activity

2017    Piney Lakes Environment Centre - Two Community Biodiversity Engagement Events

2016    Fremantle Ports Community Activity Maritime Day

2016 Expedition Artist and Community Facilitator for the Western Kimberley Coastal Benthic Survey

2016 Supporting academic colleagues with images for academic and other publications

2016    The Oceans Institute University of Western Australia Seagrass Project - Ongoing collaboration with researchers

2016    Designing and delivering community engagement and educational activities with Western Waste Management - Earth Carers.

2016    Commissioned by Royal Agricultural Society of WA to design and create soil science teaching resource for the Perth Royal Show

2015    Community Environmental engagement event Royal Agricultural Society WA

2015 The Seagrass Project Ongoing with Oceans Institute UWA Collaboration with Plant and Animal Biologists.

2015  Presentation to Visual Arts, Media Education Network.

 2015 Presentation to Sustainable Schools Education Network north metropolitan chapter.

 2015 Community engagement Activities with the Royal Agricultural Society of WA in connection with UWA Soil Science.

2015   Fremantle Ports  Maritime Day expo educational activity

2015   Design and Delivery of the Geraldton Community Coastal Biodiversity Project. Partners - Northern Agricultural Catchments Council, City of Greater Geraldton, local Schools and a range of Community Conservation and Naturalist

2014    University of West Australia  Artist in Residence Oceans Institute ongoing Studio Building 52 CSIRO Floreat site

2014    Fremantle Ports Maritime Day Community Workshop.

2014    Australian Sustainable Schools Initiative Member of AUSSI Alliance: Developing and encouraging sustainability understanding and implementation of education content via network hubs in metropolitan and regional WA.

2014    Visual Arts and Media Educators Network - Developing strategies to assist teachers to incorporate the visual arts into classroom teaching through cross curriculum delivery.

2014    Developed the iScopeStand Educational Tool - Collaboration with Graeme Harris to fabricate & distribute.

2013    Fremantle Ports-  Port Maritime Day Community Workshop

2013    Artist in Residence - Oceans Institute The University of West Australia

2012    Artist in Residence - Oceans Institute The University of West Australia

2012    Festival of Fremantle - Display of Coastal Biodiversity Paintings by WA Primary School Students and A Rossen Ocean Biota Photographs 

2011    The Seagrass Project -  Artist in Residence with the Oceans Institute UWA

2009    Seagrass A Vital Resource  - Commenced partnership with Winthrop Professor Di Walker School Biological Sciences UWA. 

2009    St John of God Hosp. Murdoch Commission for freestanding foyer Christmas artwork

2008    Fremantle Ports  - Artist in Residence Project including both Fremantle and Kwinana sites

2007    Rio Tinto HIsmelt - Artsource Artist in Residence Kwinana HIsmelt site

2006    Kimberley Diamonds - Ellendale Site Central Kimberley Ranges Artist in Residence Commission of series of painting with field trip of central Kimberley


2023 Coastal Forum - Waves of Wisdom presentation and display Herdsmans Lake Discovery Centre. Perth NRM.

2023 World Environment Day Expo working with students from five schools on soil health and soil biota

2023 Participated with display and educational activities at the Curtin Sustainability Fair

2022 Presenter WACE Forum with Australian Association of Environmental Educators

2022 Australian Association of Environmental Educators - Presenter at the National Conference - presented workshop activity and display.

2020  Science Teachers Association WA Conference presentation - Murdoch University - December

2020   SHAC Freo Biodiversity Revival Exhibition and Symposium Presentation September - Art and Biodiversity

2020 West Australian Underwater Photography Association Presentation - Photographing at Sea with Schmidt Ocean Institute

2020    Oceans Institute Livestream Seminar Series  Science Communication Another Perspective - Telling Science Stories through Art

2020 UWA Faculty of Science Seminars Science Exchange : Chemical toolbox to observe and record the changing world

2020 Community Field Biodiversity Survey with the Quinns Rocks Environmental Group

2020    SBS UWA Seminar Series Presentation with Greg Skrzypek – Expedition of the RV Falkor Schmidt Ocean Institute

2020    Aust. Assoc. Environmental Education AAEE  Biology Earth Environment and Sciences Day

2020   February - Community and school engagements cancelled or postponed till further notice due to Covid

2019    Midland Junction Arts Centre Invitation Exhibition of WA Botanical artworks - Four sketch studies of flowering and fruiting seagrasses

2019    Hilton Harvest Community Engagement Soil Biota Presentation

2019    Perth Science Festival Scitech Science Expo at Perth Showgrounds with learning activity

2019    Mindarie Senior College Environmental Expo Discovering nearshore marine biota

2019    Conservation Council WA Biodiversity and Conservation presentation at the Mid Year Conference 

2019    Department Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions Guest speaker at the Science Collaborations Forum 2019 Kensington

2019    Australian Marine Science Association Annual Conference workshop

2019    Australian Association of Environmental Educators AAEE - Catchments, Corridors and Coast Conference

2018    Positive Schools Conference - Fremantle and Hongkong Conferences Presentations and workshop activity

2018    Rangers Teachers Conference - Department Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions - Presentation and workshop      

2018    Wetlands Management Conference  - Display and activity

2018    Coastal Corridors and Catchments  Conference -  Display and activity – AAEE and  WA Department of Fisheries

2017    Perth Science Festival - Joint host with the West Australian Marine Science Institution - educational activity marine micro biota

2017    Australian Marine Scientists Association -  Guest Speaker Science Communication Seminar UWA Indian Oceans Marine Research Centre

2017    WA Wetlands Conference Cockburn  - Display and activity

2016    Better Education SCEA Conference  - Display and Educational Activity

2016    Curtin University CUSP -  Guest lecturer -Biodiversity education and community engagement

2016    Plastics in the Ocean Earth Carers Expo - Display and Educational Activity

2016    Perth Science Festival - Hosted marquee with micro biota activities 

2016    World Biotech Tour Scitech Perth leg - Display and digital/biota educational activity 

2015    Immersion Symposium - Guest speaker Central TAFE 

2015    Science Teachers Assoc. WA Conasta National Conference Presentation and Workshop

2014    Oceans Flagship Seminar Series CSIRO - Guest presenter - Why paint a Skeleton Shrimp

2014    Coast to Coast National Conference -Dinner Address – Dep. Infrastructure and Curtin University  

2014    Ceramic Arts Association - Guest speaker

2014    WA Underwater Photographers Association - Presentation - Building understanding of the Nearshore Marine Environment

2014    Science Teachers Assoc. WA Conference - Presentation with workshop and Display

2013    John XXIII Art Exhibition - Guest Speaker

2013    Ellenbrook Community Art Centre - Biodiversity Art & Climate Change speech to launch Exhibition

2013    DADA Art Exhibition  - Guest speaker Perth Town Hall

2012    Science Teachers Assoc. WA Conference Display Biodiversity School Projects      

2012    Oceanica Consulting Pty Ltd  - Invitation Seminar                                            

2012    Huntingdale Primary School  - Guest speaker Whole School Community Event 

2011    Science Teachers Assoc. WA Conference - Art and Environmental Science Seminar Presentation    

2011    Curtin University Gallery  - Guest speaker launch of the exhibition Littoral Liminal and Labile 

2010    Art as a vehicle to Teach Science - Science Teachers Support Conference Department of Ed. WA

2010    Coastal Collaboration Cluster Launch  - Guest Speaker Curtin University, CSIRO and affiliated Universities        

2010    Art Educators Association WA  - Guest presenter at south metro region network meeting

2010    Department of Fisheries  - Sea Week Educators Expo Discovery Centre Hillaries      

2007    Chamber of Minerals and Energy Presentation - Art and Industry Partnership Possibilities

2007    Chamber of Minerals and Energy / Artsource  RESOURCITY  Expo Art and Resources Expo Central Park Perth

2006    Dep. Foreign Affairs and Trade  - WA Painters Showcase Manila Philippines



2022 An Introduction to Drawing and Painting in the Studio - A short holiday workshop

2021    Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions to design and deliver the Dirk Hartog Island Return 1616 Community Biodiversity Festival. Project partnering with Denham Shire, Denham School and Denham Community Groups.

2021   Artist in Residence Biodiversity Project with Lombardina Djindjarin Remote Community School in the Western Kimberley region WA. Discovering documenting and painting the biota of the Mangrove Beach.

2021 Artist in Residence collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science on the Western Kimberley Indigenous Ranger project at One Arm Point Remote Community School in the Western Kimberley Region of Western Australia.

2020 Science Exchange Public Seminar Series July - Why Art and Science - UWA Faculty of Science

2020 Public Seminar Series 22 May 2020 - Bremer Canyon Deep Water Sampling School Biological Sciences with Dr Greg Skrzypek, Angela Rossen Artist and Biodiversity Educator and Dr Aleksey Sardakov ht tps://

2020 Community Biodiversity Survey with Quinns Rocks Environmental Group - October Rocky Pool

2020    Creation of short biodiversity videos – posted on Facebook and Instagram and UWA websites - Ongoing

2019    Piney Lakes Environmental Education Centre Community Botanical Painting Workshop

2019    Piney Lakes Community Biodiversity Field Event with City of Melville

2019    Biodiversity Workshops in Schools: 

                                    Ardross Primary School  - Biodiversity Workshop

                                    Mosman Park Primary School Festival of Coastal Biodiversity

                                    Chrysalis Montessori School - Festival of Wetland Biodiversity

                                    Babakin Primary School – Community Festival of Woodland Biodiversity

                                    Darkan Primary School – School Multimedia Plant Reproduction Workshop

                                    Ellenbrook Secondary College

                                    Mindarie Senior College

2019    Community Biodiversity Survey field day event in partnership with the Mullaloo Beach Community Group Inc.

2019    City of Cockburn Community engagement event with Coogee Reef

2018    Biodiversity Feld, Lab and Studio Workshops in Schools:

                                    Ardross Primary School

                                    Matty’s Home Schooling Association

                                    Kolbe Catholic College

                                    Mensa Association WA

                                    Babakin Primary School Regional WA

2017    Community Biodiversity Field Events

                                    Mullaloo Beach Community Group - Field Day

                                    Two Rocks Environmental Group – Field Day

                                    South Cottesloe Community Biodiversity Survey Cottesloe Coast Care and UWA

2017    Science week forums and guest presentations 

                                     Hilton Primary School

                                    Hollywood Primary School                                

2017    Soil Biota Educational Activity Perth Royal Show RASWA

2017    Biodiversity Workshops in Schools:

                         Coolbinia Primary School

                         Mandurah Catholic College

Mundaring Primary School

Clayton View Primary School

Greenfields Primary School

Mindarie College

West Leeming Primary School

Winterfold Primary School

One Arm Point Remote Community School

Hollywood Primary School

Canning College

 2016    Science Week Art and Science Forum - Hollywood Primary School 

2015    Art and Biodiversity Presentation to Science teachers of the Kimberley Region with SPICE UWA.

2015    Soil Biota and Plant Reproduction workshop activities Royal Show RASWA

2015    Swan River Trust: Workshop with activities Macro Invertebrates of the River

2015    Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council Soil Biota Workshop with Bush Skills Group

2015    Invitation Lecture with Pathways to Sustainability Course, Faculty of Humanities Curtin University

2015    Presentation to Visual Arts, Media Education Network

2015    Presentation to Sustainable Schools WA Education Network north metropolitan chapter.

2015    Presentation to Mandurah Christian College school community 

2015    Environmental Science Art Workshops in Primary Schools

2015 Coastal Biodiversity and Environment Art Science Workshops

Mandurah Christian College

                        Attadale Primary School Biota of the River Workshop

                        Ashdale Primary School Biota of the Wetlands

                        Hollywood Primary School Biota of the Woodland

2015    Presentation to Sustainable Schools WA Education Network Geraldton chapter.

2015    The Geraldton Community Biodiversity and Art Project. Funded by Community Arts Network WA in partnership with The Greater Geraldton Council, Northern Catchment Council, Geraldton Primary School, Geraldton Museum and a range of community groups.

2014    Transects Coastal Biodiversity Project  - DPAW River Rangers Ellenbrook Christian College

2014    Music and Drawing a Measure of our Humanity School IM. WA Department of Education 

2014    Environmental Science Art Workshops  

St Stephens School Duncraig

                          John XIII College a the Mary Ward Centre

                          Ashdale Primary School

                         Casa Mia Montessori School Bayswater

                         Ardross Primary School

2014    Fremantle Ports Maritime Day -  Community Education Activity

2013    City of Stirling Community Workshop  - Painting Nature Studies of Coastal Terrestrial and Marine Plants 

2013    Environmental Science Art Workshops 2013

West Busselton Primary

                              Wilson Primary School

                              Ellenbrook Christian College Junior School 

                              Ellenbrook Christian College Senior School

2013    Drawing to Communicate Ideas  -  Workshop Grad School Ed UWA pre-service teachers

2013    Fremantle Ports Community Open Day   - Community Workshop Activity

2012    Drawing on Creativity Workshop  - Grad School Ed UWA Staff

2012    Drawing Workshop - UWA Study Smart Team

2012     Environmental Science Art Workshops               

Roeburne DHS Mangrove Beach with SPICE and Asp

Kununurra DHS Tropical Lagoon with SPICE and Aspire UWA

                       Ellenbrook Christian College Junior School                    

                       Penrhos College Como Junior School

Medina Primary School - South Coast NRM Dep. Infrastructure Coast Care Program

St Vincent’s Primary School Parmelia                            

2012    Canning River Eco Centre  - Painting Workshop   Frogs of the Coastal Sand Plain                   

2012    Canning River Eco Centre  - Painting Workshop Birds of the River and Wetlands                   

2012    Millennium Kids and Ribbons of Blue  - River Youth Forum - Painting Aquatic Invertebrates

2012    Sense of Place Youth River Engagement Camp  - Observing and Documenting Aquatic Invertebrates 

2011    Professional Develop Workshop Drawing  - Staff Grad School Ed UWA         

2011    Professional Development School of Instrumental Music - Drawing Creative Connections

2010    Environmental Science Art Workshops              

West Leederville Primary School

                                                         Maylands Peninsula Primary School 

Fremantle Primary School with South Coast NRM

Our Lady of Mt Carmel Primary School

2010    Collegial Building Staff In-Service  -  School of Instrumental Music Ed Dep. WA

2010    Fredrick Irwin Anglican College Bunbury - Botanical Watercolor Sketching in the Field.                  

2010    Jeevan-daan Gift of Life Concert  - Stage Design- Riverside Theatre - Perth Convention Centre

2009    Community Drawing Session  - Boddington Art Centre 

2009    Collegial Building Staff In-Service -  Iona Presentation College Mosman Park

2009    Environmental Science Art Workshop - South Coogee Primary              

2008    Fremantle Ports  - Mosaic of Memories Documenting Port Stories

2008    Fremantle Ports  - Children’s Ship Building Workshop 

2007    Craft Workshop Textiles  - Methodist Ladies College.

2007    Craft Workshop Simple Gifts  - Dalkeith Primary School.

2006    World Youth Day Craft Fundraising Fair  - Hilton Fremantle 

2006    Collegial Building Drawing Workshops - Hismelt Kwinana

2006    Drawing from Life - Smith Family Art and Community Centre Medina, 

2006    Botanical Drawing - Beckenham Primary at the Cockburn Environment Centre

2006    Drawing from Life - Our Lady of Mt Carmel Primary Hilton

2006    Drawing Turtles - Nagarabup Environment Centre Rockingham

2006    Drawing Portraits - Our Lady of Mt Carmel School Hilton Years 3 to 7

2005    Figure in the Landscape Drawing for Beginners Private Drawing Classes on location

2005    Drawing in the Karajini National Park - Mt. Newman Secondary School Years 11- 12 

2005    Introduction to Acrylic painting - Mosman Park Thursday Painters

2005    Drawing by the Sea Workshop - Exmouth Arts Group Five day workshop.


2020 SHAC Freo Biodiversity Revival Exhibition and Symposium

2019    Biology as Art UWA Lawrence Wilson Art Gallery

2019    Galvanise - Artsource Member Survey Exhibition Old Customs House

2019    Wildflower State - Midland Junction Arts Centre Invitation Exhibition of WA Botanical artworks - Four sketch studies of flowering and fruiting seagrasses

2018    Lawrence Wilson Gallery Biology as Art UWA - Winner - Wayne Davies Prize

2018    Artsource Group Exhibition – Galvanise at Old Customs house

2008    Fremantle Ports Artist in Residence Exhibition   Kidogo Arthouse Fremantle

2007 Artopia Open Studio Kwinana to the Kimberley - Art Source

2006    Exhibition of paintings of Ellendale Diamond Mine and the Central Kimberley - West Perth

2005 Artopia Open Studio Ningaloo Turtles and Whales Fremantle Studio     

2004    Barrow Island Collection - QV II Building St Georges Tce. Perth 

1983 to 2003 Eighteen solo exhibitions


2021 Article in Urban Bushland

2021 Article in Water Column - The journal of the WA Underwater Photography Society

2020 Australia Wide - Interview with Alex Haymans on the Falkor Expedition Art and Science Communication

ABC Radio National -

2020    Weekend Australian Magazine article - Expedition Artist with the RV Schmidt Ocean Institute Falkor expedition

2019 Marine Plants of Australia - John Huisman - Cover, back and frontispiece artwork

2018    Guest segment on Soil Biota with Garden Gurus Television gardening show Chanel 9 WA

2017    Field Guide to the Plants and Animals of Hollywood Reserve - Collaborative school project

2017    Artists of Perth Vanguard Press

2016    Oceans Institute Annual Report

2016    2016 Benthic Survey West Kimberley Foreshores and Community Outreach Summary Grant Pearson and Theunis Piersma

2016    Coastlines Autumn Edition. Discovering the Tiny Invertebrates that live amongst Marine Plants

2016    Double Helix CSIRO Summer edition 2016 Art at the Beach

2015    Coastlines Winter Edition. Geraldton Community Coastal Biodiversity Project

2015    Oceans Institute The University of Western Australia Annual Report

2014    Ocean and Coast Coastal biodiversity resource book for primary schools Print and eBook editions Angela Rossen and the students of Ellenbrook CC

2104    Oceans Institute Annual Report Outreach section 

2014    Cover photo Annals of Botany Volume 113 No7 June 2014

2014    People and Plants Kings Park Quarterly Magazine Issue 87 Spring 2014 Photo to accompany Seagrass article by UWA colleague De Elizabeth Sinclair.

2014    UWA News April Vol 33 Number 2  Artist in Residence Project and Schools Workshops. Center spread.

2014    Oceans Institute Bulletin September - Article on Help to Grow the Next Generation of Scientists Initiative

2013    The Ocean is Full of Wonderful Things Print and eBook publication Angela Rossen and the students of St Vincent’s Primary School

2012    School Matters Department of Education Edition 4 June July Feature 4 page article

2012    John XXII College Alumni publication

2011    Oceans Institute Annual Report 

2009    Western Women

2007    Artsource Journal cover Spring Edition



2019    School of the Biological Sciences Community Engagement Committee member by invitation of Dr Sarah Dunlop


Artsource West Australia’s Premier Professional Arts Practitioners Organization

NAVA National Association for the Visual Arts

Sustainable Schools WA Alliance Member

Australian Association of Environmental Educators

WAUPS WA Underwater Photography Association

WA Guild of Woodcarvers